domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023

lista de palabras

 1. Accomplished - Having achieved a high level of skill or expertise.

2. Acclaimed - Widely praised or recognized, especially for excellence.

3. Accomplice - A person who helps another in committing a crime or wrongdoing.

4. Acquaintance’s - Referring to someone known but not close; a person one is familiar with.

5. Adelphi - Not a common English word. It may refer to Adelphi University, a private university in New York.

6. Affection - A feeling of fondness or love towards someone or something.

7. Amazement - A state of being greatly surprised or astonished.

8. Apparel - Clothing or attire.

9. Applicants - Individuals who apply for something, such as a job or admission to a program.

10. Arousal - The state of being sexually or mentally stimulated or excited.

11. Arrogance - Having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities; displaying haughty behavior.

12. Ascend - To go up or climb; to rise in rank or position.

13. Astounded - Feeling or showing great astonishment or shock.

14. Avid - Showing enthusiasm or strong interest in something.

15. Axe - A tool with a bladed head mounted on a handle, used for chopping wood.

16. Axed - The past tense of "axe," referring to something that has been cut or eliminated.

17. Banal - Lacking originality or freshness; trite or ordinary.

18. Bait - Food or other substances used to attract fish or animals as prey; also used metaphorically to refer to something used to entice or deceive someone.

19. Begets - To produce or bring about; to cause to exist or happen.

20. Beseeches - To implore or beg someone earnestly.

21. Bitchiness - The quality of being spiteful, malicious, or inclined to engage in petty conflicts.

22. Bombardin - Not a recognized English word.

23. Brazen - Bold or shameless, often in a defiant or disrespectful manner.

24. Cantankerous - Bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.

25. Captivate - To attract and hold the interest or attention of someone; to enchant or fascinate.

26. Caricature - A drawing, picture, or description that exaggerates the distinctive features or peculiarities of a person or thing.

27. Catalogued - Recorded or listed systematically; organized in a catalog or inventory.

28. Cachet - A mark or quality of distinction or prestige; a seal or stamp indicating official approval or certification.

29. Chomp - To bite or chew something vigorously and noisily.

30. Circus - A traveling company of performers that typically includes acrobats, clowns, and trained animals; also used metaphorically to describe a chaotic or hectic situation.

31. Clairvoyants - People who claim to have the ability to perceive events or information beyond normal sensory contact; psychics or fortune tellers.

32. Clumped - Gathered or formed into a cluster or clump; grouped together.

33. Composure - The state of being calm and in control of one's emotions; poise or self-possession.

34. Conjure - To bring to mind or imagine something vividly; to summon or call upon supernatural forces.

35. Convincing - Persuasive or compelling in a way that convinces others of something.

36. Crescendo - A gradual increase in loudness or intensity, often used metaphorically to describe an increasing intensity or climax.

37. Crooning - Singing or speaking softly and intimately.

38. Crotchety - Irritable or grouchy; easily annoyed or bothered.

39. Demeanor - Outward behavior or conduct; the way a person presents themselves.

40. Devious - Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals; cunning or deceitful.

41. Detests - Strongly dislikes or abhors something or someone.

42. Dictum - A formal pronouncement or authoritative statement.

43. Dissipating – Gradually

44. Elusive - Difficult to find, catch, or achieve; evasive or elusive.

45. Eloquence - The ability to speak or write in a fluent, persuasive, and effective manner.

46. Emanates - To originate or radiate from a source; to emit or give off.

47. Embossed - Having a raised design or pattern on a surface, typically made of metal or leather.

48. Emblazoned - Decorated or adorned prominently with a design or symbol.

49. Empathetic - Showing empathy or understanding towards the feelings and experiences of others.

50. Engenders - To cause or give rise to a particular feeling, situation, or condition.

51. Engrossing - Captivating or absorbing one's attention completely; fascinating or engrossing.

52. Enrich - To enhance or improve the quality, value, or content of something.

53. Equine - Relating to or resembling horses; pertaining to horses or horse-like characteristics.

54. Erupt - To break out suddenly and violently, often used to describe volcanic activity or a sudden display of emotion.

55. Essence - The fundamental nature or core quality of something; the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality that determines its character.

56. Evenly - In an equal or uniform manner; without variation or disparity.

57. Extraneous - Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject or matter at hand; not essential or necessary.

58. Floater - Something that floats or is suspended in a liquid or gas; also used colloquially to refer to a person who moves or drifts aimlessly.

59. Flooding - The act of filling or covering an area with a large amount of water; also used metaphorically to describe an overwhelming or excessive amount of something.

60. Flopping - To fall, move, or collapse limply or loosely; to flap or hang loosely.

61. Forthright - Direct, honest, and straightforward in speech or action; candid or outspoken.

62. Frame - The structure or framework that provides support or shape to something; also refers to a single image in a sequence of images in a film or video.

63. Futilely - In a manner that is incapable of producing any result or success; unsuccessfully or in a vain manner.

64. Furtive - Done in a secretive or stealthy manner; characterized by stealth or secrecy.

65. Gasp - A sudden, sharp intake of breath, usually as a reaction to surprise, shock, or pain.

66. Giants - Refers to beings or things of unusually large size or stature; can also metaphorically refer to individuals or entities of great influence or significance.

67. Genuinely - In a sincere or authentic manner; truly or honestly.

68. Glimpse - A quick or brief look or view of something; to catch a momentary or partial view of something.

69. Glance - To look quickly or briefly; a quick or brief look.

70. Grip - To grasp or hold firmly; to have a strong hold or control over something.

71. Grenades - Small explosive devices thrown by hand or launched from a weapon; typically used in warfare or as weapons.

72. Grille - A framework of metal bars or slats, often used as a decorative or protective covering.

73. Griper - Someone who complains or gripes frequently; a chronic complainer.

74. Hayakawa - A surname of Japanese origin, often referring to individuals with that name.

75. Hanging - Suspended or fastened at the top and not supported from below; can also refer to the act of executing someone by hanging.

76. Highfalutin' - Pretentious or pompous in speech or manner; using lofty or exaggerated language.

77. Holograph - A document written entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bears; also refers to a three-dimensional image created by holography.

78. Illuminating - Providing light or clarity; enlightening or insightful.

79. Illustrious - Well-known, respected, and admired for past achievements; distinguished or famous.

80. Imbalance - A lack

81. Off-the-wall - Unconventional or eccentric; unusual or unexpected.

82. Onlookers - People who observe or watch an event or situation; spectators or bystanders.

83. Panicked - Feeling or exhibiting sudden, overwhelming fear or anxiety; in a state of panic.

84. Perspiration - The act or process of sweating; moisture excreted through the skin.

85. Pivot - A central point or axis on which something turns or balances; to turn or rotate on a central point.

86. Plastered - Covered or coated with a substance, typically referring to a wall covered with plaster; can also colloquially mean intoxicated or heavily drunk.

87. Platter - A large, flat plate or dish used for serving food; can also refer to a large selection or assortment of something.

88. Poised - Balanced, composed, or self-assured; ready or prepared for action.

89. Politeness - The act or quality of being polite; showing consideration, respect, and good manners.

90. Potency - The power, strength, or effectiveness of something; often refers to the strength or concentration of a substance.

91. Primed - Prepared or ready for a particular purpose or action; often refers to having been given initial instructions or information.

92. Prophesy - To predict or foretell the future; to make a prophecy.

93. Prosaic - Lacking imagination or creativity; dull or ordinary.

94. Prying - Inquisitive or curious, often in an intrusive or nosy manner; trying to find out private or personal information.

95. Prowess - Exceptional skill, ability, or expertise in a particular activity or field; prowess refers to outstanding or superior performance.

96. Queasiness - A feeling of nausea or unease; discomfort or uneasiness in the stomach.

97. Quaint - Attractively old-fashioned or picturesque; charmingly unusual or peculiar.

98. Quivering - Shaking or trembling rapidly and uncontrollably; vibrating or quivering with movement.

99. Rendezvous - A meeting or appointment at a prearranged time and place; can also refer to a romantic meeting between lovers.

100. Repertoire - The range or collection of skills, abilities, or accomplishments of a person or group; the complete list of plays, dances, or pieces that a performer is prepared to perform.

101. Respondents - People who respond to a survey, questionnaire, or interview; individuals who answer or provide feedback.

102. Reviving - Restoring to life or consciousness; bringing back to a healthy or vigorous state.

103. Riveting - Captivating or engrossing; holding one's attention firmly.

104. Scrutinizing - Examining or inspecting closely and critically; observing or studying with great attention to detail.

105. Scintillating - Sparkling or shining brightly; brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty.

106. Schedules - Planned timetables or arrangements for a series of events or activities; a list of planned tasks or appointments.

107. Shrewd - Clever, astute, or sharp in practical matters; showing keen judgment or intelligence.

108. Shrieks - Loud, high-pitched screams or cries, often expressing fear, excitement, or pain.

109. Shudder - To shake or tremble involuntarily, often as a result of fear, disgust, or cold.

110. Sight - The faculty or act of seeing; the ability to perceive objects or images with the eyes.

111. Sorcery - The use of magic, spells, or supernatural powers to influence or control events or people.

112. Squelches - To suppress, silence, or crush with force or pressure; to eliminate or extinguish something forcefully.

113. Squelch - A crushing or silencing sound or action; to suppress or crush forcefully.

114. Stimuli - Plural of stimulus; any object or event that elicits a response or reaction.

115. Swoop - To descend or pounce suddenly and swiftly, often with force or aggression; to seize or take quickly

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