martes, 13 de junio de 2023


 a pill for - una píldora para

Example: She took a pill for her headache and felt relief within minutes.

abortive - abortivo

Example: The abortive attempt to negotiate a peace agreement resulted in further conflict.

above - encima de

Example: The bird flew high above the treetops.

abroad - en el extranjero

Example: He decided to study abroad to experience different cultures.

absolutely - absolutamente

Example: I absolutely love chocolate cake.

accidental - accidental

Example: The broken vase was an accidental result of my clumsiness.

acclaimed - aclamado

Example: The acclaimed actor received a standing ovation for his brilliant performance.

accomplice - cómplice

Example: The police arrested the thief and his accomplice.

accomplished - realizado, consumado

Example: She is an accomplished pianist who has performed in prestigious concert halls.

accurate - preciso, exacto

Example: The scientist conducted accurate measurements to ensure the validity of the


achievement - logro

Example: Winning the championship was a significant achievement for the team.

acquaintance's - de conocido

Example: I bumped into an acquaintance's sister at the grocery store.

active - activo

Example: Regular exercise is essential for maintaining an active lifestyle.

affection - afecto

Example: The puppy showed affection by wagging its tail and licking my hand.

afterwards - después, posteriormente

Example: We went to the movies and afterwards had dinner at a nice restaurant.

ahead - adelante

Example: Keep walking straight ahead until you reach the intersection.

aid - ayuda

Example: The Red Cross provides humanitarian aid to communities affected by natural disasters.

alive - vivo

Example: The hiker was lost in the wilderness but managed to stay alive until help arrived.

allocate - asignar

Example: The company will allocate funds for a new marketing campaign.

almost - casi

Example: I almost missed the bus, but luckily I caught it just in time.

alongside - junto a

Example: The new building was constructed alongside the existing one.

amazement - asombro

Example: The magician's tricks left the audience in amazement.

amount - cantidad

Example: The total amount of money donated to the charity exceeded expectations.

apparel - ropa, vestimenta

Example: The store offers a wide selection of trendy apparel for both men and women.

applicants - solicitantes

Example: The company received numerous applications from qualified applicants.

argument - argumento, discusión

Example: The couple had a heated argument about their travel plans.

arousal - excitación, estimulación

Example: The movie's intense scenes created a sense of arousal among the audience.

arrange - organizar

Example: She arranged a meeting with her colleagues to discuss the project.

arrogant - arrogante

Example: His arrogant behavior alienated him from his friends.

ascend - ascender

Example: The climbers began their ascent to the summit of the mountain.

assessment - evaluación

Example: The teacher's assessment of the student's performance was fair and accurate.

astounded - asombrado

Example: She was astounded by the unexpected news of her promotion.

at the side - al lado

Example: The book was placed at the side of the bed for easy access.

attentive - atento

Example: The attentive waiter anticipated our needs and provided excellent service.

avid - ávido

Example: He is an avid reader who devours books in his spare time.

avoid - evitar

Example: To prevent accidents, drivers should avoid distractions while on the road.

away - lejos, fuera

Example: The children ran away from the approaching thunder

awkward socially - incómodo socialmente

Example: He felt awkward socially at the party and struggled to engage in conversations.

axe - hacha

Example: The lumberjack used an axe to chop down the tree.

axed - despedido

Example: Several employees were axed during the company's restructuring.

backwards - hacia atrás

Example: He stumbled backwards and nearly fell down the stairs.

bacon roll - panecillo de tocino

Example: I ordered a bacon roll for breakfast at the café.

bait - cebo

Example: The fisherman used worms as bait to attract fish.

banal - banal, trivial

Example: The movie's plot was predictable and banal.

bathing - bañarse

Example: I enjoy bathing in warm water after a long day.

begets - engendra

Example: Love begets love; kindness begets kindness.

begins - comienza

Example: The concert begins at 7 pm sharp.

behind - detrás de

Example: The cat was hiding behind the couch.

below - debajo de

Example: Please sign your name below the dotted line.

bend - doblar

Example: She had to bend down to tie her shoelaces.

beseeches - suplica

Example: He beseeches his parents to let him go to the party.

bet - apuesta

Example: I placed a bet on the horse with the highest odds of winning.

bin - cubo de basura

Example: Throw the empty can in the bin.

bitchiness - maldad, malicia

Example: Her constant bitchiness made it difficult to be around her.

bites - mordeduras

Example: The mosquito bites left itchy red marks on my skin.

boom - auge, explosión

Example: The real estate market experienced a boom, with property prices skyrocketing.

bossy - mandón, autoritario

Example: She has a bossy personality and always wants things done her way.

bottom - fondo, parte inferior

Example: The keys to the treasure chest were hidden at the bottom of the sea.

bound - atado, limitado

Example: The prisoner was bound by handcuffs.

brazen - descarado, audaz

Example: The thief made a brazen attempt to steal the diamond necklace in broad daylight.

broadcast list - lista de difusión

Example: I sent the message to my broadcast list to share the news with all my contacts.

brush my hair - cepillar mi cabello

Example: Before leaving the house, I always brush my hair to make it neat and tidy.

budge - moverse, ceder

Example: Despite my efforts, the heavy box wouldn't budge.

budget - presupuesto

Example: We need to create a budget to manage our monthly expenses.

by the way - por cierto

Example: By the way, did you hear about the new restaurant opening in town?

cab - taxi

Example: I hailed a cab to take me to the airport.

cachet - cachet, prestigio

Example: The famous actress was offered a movie role with a high cachet.

cantankerous - malhumorado, cascarrabias

Example: The old man living next door is known for being cantankerous and always complaining.

captivate - cautivar, fascinar

Example: The magician's performance captivated the audience and left them in awe.

catches - atrapa

Example: The baseball player catches the ball with ease.

ceiling - techo

Example: The chandelier was hanging from the ceiling.

charge - cargo, cargar

Example: She was given the charge of overseeing the project.

chatterbox - parlanchín

Example: Sarah is a chatterbox; she never stops talking.

cheek - mejilla

Example: She planted a kiss on his cheek.

chomp - masticar ruidosamente

Example: The hungry dog chomped on its bone.

Chrysler - Chrysler (marca de automóviles)

Example: He drives a luxurious Chrysler sedan.

circus - circo

Example: The circus performers amazed the audience with their acrobatic skills.

citizenship - ciudadanía

Example: After living in the country for five years, he applied for citizenship.

clairvoyants - clarividentes

Example: The clairvoyants claimed to have the ability to see the future.

cleaning - limpieza

Example: I spent the morning doing cleaning around the house.

clockwise - en sentido de las agujas del reloj

Example: Turn the knob clockwise to increase the volume.

clumped - agrupado, amontonado

Example: The wet clothes clumped together in the laundry basket.

clumsy - torpe

Example: He was known for his clumsy movements and tendency to bump into things.

come - venir

Example: Please come to the meeting at 9 am.

complacency - complacencia, autocomplacencia

Example: The team's complacency led to their defeat in the game.

composure - compostura, serenidad

Example: Despite the stressful situation, she maintained her composure and handled it calmly.

conjure - conjurar, evocar

Example: The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

conveying - transmitiendo, comunicando

Example: The artist did an excellent job of conveying emotion through his paintings.

convincing - convincente

Example: The lawyer presented a convincing argument in favor of his client.

costly - costoso, caro

Example: The designer handbag was too costly for my budget.

cover - cubrir, tapar

Example: Please cover the food with a lid to keep it warm.

cracking jokes - contando chistes

Example: He entertained the crowd by cracking jokes throughout his stand-up comedy routine.

crazily - locamente

Example: They danced crazily to the energetic music.

crescendo - creciente, en aumento

Example: The sound of the orchestra reached a crescendo during the grand finale.

crooning - cantar suavemente, arrullar

Example: The singer crooned a romantic ballad that melted hearts.

crossroad - cruce de caminos

Example: The old oak tree stood at the crossroad, marking the meeting point.

crosswise - en diagonal, de lado a lado

Example: He placed the boards crosswise to create a sturdy structure.

crotchety - gruñón, cascarrabias

Example: The crotchety old man complained about everything.

crowd - multitud

Example: The crowd cheered loudly as the team scored a goal.

cyber-shoppers - compradores en línea

Example: Cyber-shoppers took advantage of the online sale to get great deals.

daring - atrevido, audaz

Example: She took a daring leap from the diving board into the pool.

daring - desafío, aventura

Example: Climbing Mount Everest was a daring feat.

demeanor - comportamiento, actitud

Example: His calm demeanor in stressful situations earned him respect.

dent - abolladura

Example: He accidentally bumped the car and left a dent on the side.

deserve - merecer

Example: After all his hard work, he deserved the promotion.

deterring - disuasivo, inhibidor

Example: The presence of security cameras is deterring potential thieves from targeting the store.

detests - detestar, odiar

Example: She detests the taste of mushrooms and refuses to eat them.

detonate - detonar

Example: The bomb was set to detonate at exactly 10:00 PM.

devious - astuto, mañoso

Example: The devious politician used cunning tactics to manipulate public opinion.

dictum - dictamen, afirmación

Example: According to the dictum of the judge, the defendant was found guilty.

dissipating - disipando, desvaneciéndose

Example: The fog began dissipating as the sun rose higher in the sky.

doubt - duda

Example: I have some doubt about his explanation for being late.

drainage - drenaje

Example: The city implemented a new drainage system to prevent flooding.

drawbacks - desventajas, inconvenientes

Example: Despite its advantages, this new technology has some drawbacks.

dresser - tocador, cómoda

Example: She placed her clothes in the dresser and closed the drawers.

dropping - caída, descenso

Example: The dropping temperatures indicated the onset of winter.

dry - seco

Example: His clothes were still wet, so he used a hairdryer to make them dry.

due largely - debido en gran medida

Example: The success of the project was due largely to the team's hard work.

dusk - anochecer

Example: The sky turned orange and purple as dusk approached.

Easter day - día de Pascua

Example: Families gather together to celebrate Easter day and exchange chocolate eggs.

edgy - nervioso, tenso

Example: The suspenseful movie had an edgy atmosphere that kept the audience on edge.

eloquence - elocuencia, elocuencia

Example: The speaker's eloquence captivated the audience and moved them emotionally.

else - más, otra cosa

Example: If you don't like this book, we can find something else for you to read.

emanates - emana, proviene

Example: Wisdom emanates from her words and actions.

emblazoned - adornado, grabado

Example: The coat of arms was emblazoned on the royal banner.

embossed - grabado en relieve

Example: The wedding invitations had an embossed design that added elegance.

empathetic - empático, comprensivo

Example: She is a highly empathetic person who always understands others' feelings.

enabling - permitiendo, facilitando

Example: The new software is enabling employees to work more efficiently.

enchantment - encantamiento, hechizo

Example: The fairy tale was filled with magic and enchantment.

encouragement - aliento, estímulo

Example: Her words of encouragement motivated me to pursue my dreams.

engenders - genera, provoca

Example: Trust and open communication engenders strong relationships.

engrossing - absorbente, fascinante

Example: The engrossing novel kept me hooked until the very end.

enormity - enormidad, inmensidad

Example: The enormity of the disaster was evident in the widespread destruction.

enormously - enormemente

Example: The team's efforts were enormously successful, exceeding everyone's expectations.

enrich - enriquecer

Example: Reading books can enrich your knowledge and broaden your perspective.

entirely - completamente, totalmente

Example: I disagree with that statement entirely; it is not accurate.

entrance - entrada

Example: We walked through the grand entrance of the palace.

entries - entradas, registros

Example: The entries in the journal documented the daily activities and thoughts of the author.

equine - equino, relacionado con los caballos

Example: She has a deep love for equine sports and enjoys horseback riding.

erupt - erupcionar, estallar

Example: The volcano could erupt at any moment, spewing lava and ash into the air.

essence - esencia

Example: The essence of her argument was that honesty is always the best policy.

evenly - de manera uniforme, equitativamente

Example: The chocolate chips were distributed evenly throughout the cookie dough.

excitement - emoción, entusiasmo

Example: The children couldn't contain their excitement when they saw the presents under the

Christmas tree.

extraneous - superfluo, innecesario

Example: Please remove any extraneous information from your presentation and focus on the key


extremity - extremidad

Example: He suffered a severe injury to his extremity and required immediate medical attention.

fairly - bastante, justamente

Example: The judge fairly considered all the evidence before making a decision.

faith - fe, confianza

Example: She has faith in her abilities and believes she can achieve her goals.

fall - caer

Example: The leaves fall from the trees in autumn.

fancy - gustar, tener ganas de

Example: Do you fancy going for a walk in the park this evening?

fancy coming - ¿te apetece venir?

Example: We're going to the movies tonight. Fancy coming?

far - lejos

Example: The nearest grocery store is quite far from here.

fear - miedo, temor

Example: The child held her mother's hand tightly out of fear of getting lost.

feasible - factible, viable

Example: After careful consideration, they concluded that the project was not feasible within the

given timeline.

features - características, rasgos

Example: The new smartphone boasts advanced features and a sleek design.

feminine - femenino

Example: She embraces her feminine side and enjoys expressing herself through fashion.

fictional - ficticio, imaginario

Example: The novel is set in a fictional world filled with magical creatures.

fit - ajustar, encajar

Example: The dress didn't fit her properly, so she had it altered.

flavour - sabor

Example: The cake had a rich chocolate flavour that delighted everyone.

floater - flotador

Example: She relaxed in the pool, floating on a colorful floater.

flock to - acudir en masa a

Example: Tourists flock to the beach during the summer months to enjoy the sun and sand.

flooding - inundación

Example: Heavy rain caused severe flooding in several low-lying areas.

flopping - chapotear, tambalearse

Example: The fish flopped around on the deck of the boat after being caught.

fold - doblar, plegar

Example: She carefully folded the letter and placed it in an envelope.

forefinger - dedo índice

Example: Point to the object using your forefinger.

fork - tenedor

Example: Please pass me a fork; I need to eat my salad.

forthright - directo, sincero

Example: He is known for his forthright manner of speaking and never sugarcoating the truth.

forward - hacia adelante, adelante

Example: Keep moving forward, no matter what obstacles you face.

frame - marco, estructura

Example: The painting was beautifully displayed in a golden frame.

friendly - amigable, simpático

Example: She greeted her new neighbor with a friendly smile and offered to help with moving in.

friendship - amistad

Example: Their friendship began in elementary school and has lasted through the years.

frightened - asustado/a, temeroso/a

Example: The loud noise frightened the cat, causing it to run and hide under the bed.

fulfil - cumplir, satisfacer

Example: She worked hard to fulfill her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

further - más lejos, adicionalmente

Example: If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

furtive - furtivo/a, sigiloso/a

Example: He cast a furtive glance around the room, making sure no one was watching.

futilely - inútilmente, en vano

Example: She tried futilely to fix the broken computer, but it was beyond repair.

garbage can - basurero, contenedor de basura

Example: Please dispose of the empty cans in the garbage can outside.

gasp - jadear, respirar bruscamente

Example: She gasped in surprise when she saw the breathtaking view from the mountaintop.

genuinely - genuinamente, sinceramente

Example: He genuinely cares about the well-being of others and always offers his support.

get dressed - vestirse

Example: I need to get dressed quickly before we leave for the party.

giants - gigantes

Example: The story of Jack and the Beanstalk features giants living in the clouds.

girly - femenino, propio de una chica

Example: She loves wearing dresses and playing with dolls. Some might say she has a girly style.

glance - vistazo, mirada rápida

Example: He took a quick glance at the clock and realized he was running late.

glimpse - vistazo, vislumbre

Example: As they drove past the old mansion, she caught a glimpse of its grandeur through the


grass - hierba, césped

Example: The children played happily in the grassy park, enjoying the warm sunshine.

grenades - granadas

Example: The soldier threw a few grenades into the enemy's bunker.

grille - parrilla, rejilla

Example: The hotdogs were cooking on the grille, filling the air with a mouth-watering aroma.

grip - agarrar, sujetar

Example: She tightened her grip on the railing as she climbed up the steep staircase.

griper - quejica, quejumbroso/a

Example: He's known as a griper because he always finds something to complain about.

grumpy - gruñón, malhumorado

Example: Don't talk to him in the morning; he's always grumpy until he has his coffee.

gullible - ingenuo/a, crédulo/a

Example: He's so gullible that he believes everything he hears without questioning it.

gut instinct - instinto básico

Example: Her gut instinct told her to trust her intuition and make the right decision.

handful - puñado, manojo

Example: She grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl and started munching.

handy - útil, práctico

Example: Having a Swiss army knife is handy for various tasks when you're outdoors.

hang - colgar, suspender

Example: She hung the wet clothes on the clothesline to dry in the sun.

hanging - colgante, suspendido/a

Example: The picture frame was hanging crookedly on the wall and needed to be adjusted.

happily - felizmente, con alegría

Example: They danced happily under the starry sky, celebrating their anniversary.

happiness - felicidad, alegría

Example: The birth of their baby brought immense happiness to the couple.

hardship - dificultad, adversidad

Example: Despite the economic hardships, she remained determined to pursue her dreams.

Hayakawa - Hayakawa (un apellido o nombre propio)

Example: Hayakawa-san is a renowned chef known for his exquisite sushi.

heaviness - pesadez, sensación de peso

Example: The heaviness of the backpack made the hike more challenging.

he's taken - él está comprometido (en una relación)

Example: I'm sorry, but he's taken. He's in a committed relationship.

highfalutin' - presumido/a, pretencioso/a

Example: She dismissed his highfalutin' remarks and preferred down-to-earth conversations.

highly strung - nervioso/a, tenso/a

Example: She's highly strung and easily gets stressed in high-pressure situations.

highness - alteza, excelencia

Example: Your Highness, may I present to you the royal proclamation.

hold - sostener, agarrar

Example: She held the baby gently in her arms, cradling it with care.

holograph - holograma

Example: The company used holograph technology to create an immersive visual experience.

homeless - sin hogar, desamparado/a

Example: The organization provides shelter and support for homeless individuals in the


hopeful - esperanzado/a, optimista

Example: Despite the setbacks, she remained hopeful and believed in a better future.

hopeless - desesperanzado/a, sin esperanza

Example: He felt hopeless after multiple failed attempts to find a job.

hourglass - reloj de arena

Example: She watched the sand trickle down in the hourglass, marking the passage of time.

hung over - con resaca, de resaca

Example: After a night of partying, he woke up feeling hung over and regretting the excess.

hyperactive - hiperactivo/a, muy activo/a

Example: The hyperactive child had trouble sitting still and constantly needed to move around.

hypocritical - hipócrita, falsamente moralista

Example: She criticized others for their actions but was often hypocritical in her own behavior.

illness - enfermedad, dolencia

Example: The flu outbreak resulted in a high number of illnesses in the community.

illustrious - ilustre, distinguido/a

Example: He comes from an illustrious family of artists and musicians.

imbalance - desequilibrio, falta de equilibrio

Example: The imbalance between work and personal life was causing stress and dissatisfaction.

impressive - impresionante, asombroso/a

Example: The fireworks display was truly impressive, lighting up the night sky.

inaccurate - inexacto/a, impreciso/a

Example: The information provided was inaccurate and led to confusion.

informative - informativo/a, educativo/a

Example: The documentary provided an informative overview of the history of the region.

intake - ingesta, consumo

Example: Her daily intake of water was crucial for staying hydrated.

internship - prácticas, pasantía

Example: He secured an internship at a prestigious law firm to gain practical experience.

inward - hacia adentro, interiormente

Example: She took a moment of inward reflection to gather her thoughts.

iron - planchar, hierro (como material)

Example: She carefully ironed her clothes to remove the wrinkles.

irritable - irritado/a, de mal humor

Example: He becomes irritable when he hasn't had enough sleep.

is likely to be - es probable que sea

Example: With his dedication and hard work, he is likely to be promoted soon.

judge - juez/a, juzgar

Example: The judge carefully considered the evidence before delivering the verdict.

laid-back - tranquilo/a, relajado/a

Example: He has a laid-back personality and doesn't let stress easily affect him.

lasts - dura, perdura

Example: The effect of the medication lasts for about six hours.

laundry - lavandería, ropa sucia

Example: She needs to do the laundry and wash her clothes for the week.

leisure - ocio, tiempo libre

Example: He enjoys reading books and going for walks during his leisure time.

lifting - levantamiento, acción de levantar

Example: She injured her back while lifting heavy boxes.

lift - ascensor, levantar

Example: Take the lift to the fifth floor of the building.

lift - alzar, levantar

Example: She gently lifted the baby from the crib and cradled it in her arms.

lift - levantarse, alzarse

Example: The fog began to lift, revealing the stunning view of the mountains.

likewise - igualmente, de la misma manera

Example: She thanked him for his help, and he replied, "Likewise, I appreciate your support."

logical - lógico/a, razonable

Example: Her argument was logical and supported by strong evidence.

lounges around - holgazanea, pasa el tiempo sin hacer nada

Example: He often lounges around on weekends, watching movies and relaxing.

lovely - encantador/a, precioso/a

Example: They spent a lovely evening together, enjoying a candlelit dinner.

madly - locamente, desesperadamente

Example: He fell madly in love with her and couldn't stop thinking about her.

marriage - matrimonio, casamiento

Example: They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a grand party.

meaningless - sin sentido, vacío/a

Example: The conversation felt meaningless, as they were not connecting on a deeper level.

measure - medir, medida

Example: She used a ruler to measure the length of the table.

mediate - mediar, intermediar

Example: The lawyer was hired to mediate the dispute between the two parties.

membership - membresía, afiliación

Example: He renewed his gym membership for another year.

mending - reparación, arreglo

Example: She spent the afternoon mending the tear in her favorite dress.

messing around - jugar, perder el tiempo

Example: Instead of studying, he spent the evening messing around with his friends.

methodical - metódico/a, sistemático/a

Example: He approached his work in a methodical manner, carefully planning each step.

mindless - sin pensar, automático/a

Example: She mindlessly scrolled through her phone, not paying attention to the time.

mischievous - travieso/a, juguetón/a

Example: The mischievous kitten knocked over a vase, spilling water all over the floor.

mood changes - cambios de humor

Example: Her mood changes frequently, and it can be challenging to predict how she will react.

nail - clavo, uña

Example: He hit the nail with the hammer, securing the picture frame to the wall.

neat freak - maniático/a del orden, obsesionado/a con la limpieza

Example: She's a neat freak and can't stand even the slightest mess.

nonsensical - sin sentido, absurdo/a

Example: The professor's explanation seemed nonsensical and confused the students.

not smooth - no suave, irregular

Example: The road was full of potholes, making the drive not smooth.

off-the-wall - extravagante, fuera de lo común

Example: His sense of humor is off-the-wall, always surprising everyone with his jokes.

oily - aceitoso/a, grasiento/a

Example: The pizza was dripping with oily cheese.

on the label - en la etiqueta

Example: The ingredients are clearly listed on the label of the product.

on time - a tiempo, puntualmente

Example: She always arrives at work on time.

onlookers - espectadores, curiosos

Example: The street performer captivated the attention of the onlookers with his magic tricks.

orphanage - orfanato

Example: She volunteers at an orphanage, providing support and care to the children.

otherwise - de lo contrario, en caso contrario

Example: You need to finish your homework; otherwise, you won't be able to go out and play.

outage - corte de energía, interrupción

Example: There was a power outage in the neighborhood, leaving everyone without electricity.

outspoken - directo/a, sincero/a

Example: She is known for being outspoken and never hesitates to express her opinions.

outwards - hacia afuera

Example: The door opens outwards, so be careful not to hit anything outside.

overbearing - autoritario/a, dominante

Example: Her overbearing behavior made it difficult for others to express their opinions.

panicked - en pánico, asustado/a

Example: When she couldn't find her wallet, she panicked and searched everywhere.

parcels - paquetes, envíos

Example: The mail carrier delivered several parcels to our doorstep.

path - camino, sendero

Example: They took a leisurely walk along the winding path in the park.

pave - pavimentar, adoquinar

Example: The city decided to pave the old dirt road for smoother transportation.

perspiration - sudor, transpiración

Example: After a vigorous workout, she wiped the perspiration from her forehead.

pertaining to - relacionado/a con

Example: The lecture will cover topics pertaining to modern art and its influence.

pin - alfiler, broche

Example: She secured her scarf with a decorative pin.

pious - piadoso/a, religioso/a

Example: He was known for his pious devotion to his religious beliefs.

pivot - pivotar, girar

Example: The dancer gracefully pivoted on one foot.

plastered - embriagado/a, borracho/a

Example: He came home from the party completely plastered.

platter - bandeja, plato grande

Example: The waiter served the delicious food on a large platter.

playful - juguetón/a, travieso/a

Example: The playful puppies chased each other around the yard.

poised - equilibrado/a, sereno/a

Example: Despite the pressure, she remained poised and confident during her presentation.

politeness - cortesía, amabilidad

Example: She always treats others with politeness and respect.

premises - instalaciones, local

Example: The company's premises include a spacious office and a production facility.

primed - preparado/a, listo/a

Example: He was primed and ready to give his speech to the audience.

prophesy - profetizar, predecir

Example: The ancient book was said to prophesy future events.

prosaic - prosaico/a, ordinario/a

Example: His writing style was considered too prosaic, lacking creativity and imagination.

prowess - destreza, habilidad

Example: He was known for his athletic prowess and won many competitions.

prying - fisgón, entrometido

Example: The prying neighbor was always peeking through the curtains to see what was


quaint - pintoresco/a, encantador/a

Example: They stayed in a quaint little cottage in the countryside during their vacation.

queasiness - nauseas, malestar estomacal

Example: The boat's constant rocking caused feelings of queasiness among the passengers.

queuing - hacer cola, formarse en fila

Example: We had to spend hours queuing to buy tickets for the concert.

quivering - tembloroso/a, temblor

Example: Her voice was quivering with fear as she gave her speech.

raised - elevado/a, levantado/a

Example: The cat had its raised fur, indicating it was ready to pounce.

rake the leaves - rastrillar las hojas

Example: It's time to rake the leaves in the backyard before they pile up.

rather - bastante, más bien

Example: I would rather stay at home and read a book than go to the party.

rather - en lugar de, más bien

Example: I prefer tea rather than coffee.

rather disappointing - bastante decepcionante

Example: The movie's ending was rather disappointing, leaving the audience unsatisfied.

regardless - sin importar, a pesar de todo

Example: Regardless of the rain, they continued with their outdoor picnic.

regardless - de todos modos, de todas formas

Example: She didn't feel like going out, but she went to the party regardless.

regional - regional, local

Example: They serve traditional regional dishes at this restaurant.

reliable - confiable, fiable

Example: He is a reliable friend who always keeps his promises.

reluctant - reacio/a, renuente

Example: She was reluctant to accept the job offer due to the long working hours.

rely - confiar, depender

Example: I rely on public transportation to commute to work.

rendezvous - encuentro, cita

Example: They agreed to meet at the park for their romantic rendezvous.

repertoire - repertorio, conjunto de habilidades

Example: The singer has a vast repertoire of songs that she can perform.

requests - solicitudes, peticiones

Example: The company received numerous requests for product demonstrations.

respondents - encuestados, participantes

Example: The survey included a diverse group of respondents from different age groups.

restless - inquieto/a, intranquilo/a

Example: She tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep due to her restless mind.

retains - retener, conservar

Example: The old building retains its original architectural features.

retreating - retrocediendo, retirándose

Example: The soldiers were retreating from the battlefront.

reversed - invertido/a, al revés

Example: The teacher wrote the equation in reversed order on the board.

reviving - revivir, reanimar

Example: The CPR technique is used to revive someone who has stopped breathing.

rewarding - gratificante, recompensador/a

Example: Teaching can be a challenging profession, but it is also highly rewarding.

rink - pista, cancha

Example: They went to the ice skating rink to practice their skating skills.

riveting - cautivador/a, fascinante

Example: The novel had a riveting plot that kept readers engaged until the very end.

rollerskating - patinaje sobre ruedas

Example: The children enjoyed rollerskating in the park on a sunny day.

roughly - aproximadamente, más o menos

Example: The project will take roughly three months to complete.

route - ruta, camino

Example: We took a scenic route through the countryside to reach our destination.

rudeness - grosería, falta de educación

Example: His rudeness towards the waiter was uncalled for.

salvage - rescatar, recuperar

Example: They managed to salvage some of the belongings from the fire-damaged house.

schedules - horarios, programas

Example: The train schedules are subject to change due to maintenance work.

scintillating - fascinante, brillante

Example: The actress gave a scintillating performance that captivated the audience.

scrub - fregar, limpiar

Example: She used a scrub brush to clean the stubborn stains from the kitchen floor.

scrutinizing - examinar detenidamente, escudriñar

Example: The detective was scrutinizing the crime scene for any clues.

set - fijar, establecer

Example: The team set a new record for the fastest lap time in the race.

shape - forma, figura

Example: The artist molded the clay into the shape of a vase.

shape - dar forma, moldear

Example: Regular exercise helps to shape and tone the body.

sharing - compartir, repartir

Example: They were sharing their experiences from the trip with each other.

sheets - sábanas, hojas

Example: The bed was made with clean and crisp white sheets.

shelf - estante, repisa

Example: She placed the books neatly on the shelf.

short fuse - poca paciencia, ser irritable

Example: He has a short fuse and easily gets angry over small things.

shouting - gritar, vociferar

Example: The crowd was shouting and cheering during the concert.

shrewd - astuto/a, sagaz

Example: The shrewd businessman always makes smart investment decisions.

shrieks - chillidos, gritos agudos

Example: The children let out shrieks of delight as they rode the roller coaster.

shudder - estremecerse, temblar

Example: A cold gust of wind made her shudder involuntarily.

sickness - enfermedad, malestar

Example: She was absent from work due to a sudden sickness.

sight - vista, visión

Example: The mountain range offered a breathtaking sight.

skateboarding - hacer skate, practicar monopatín

Example: He enjoys skateboarding in the skate park on weekends.

skilful - hábil, talentoso/a

Example: The skilful musician played the piano with great precision.

slice - rebanada, tajada

Example: She cut a thin slice of cake for each guest.

slowly - lentamente, despacio

Example: The turtle moved slowly across the garden.

someone else - otra persona, alguien más

Example: I think someone else has taken my umbrella by mistake.

sorcery - brujería, hechicería

Example: The ancient book contained spells and incantations for sorcery.

spilled - derramado/a, derramar

Example: He accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt.

spotless - impecable, impoluto/a

Example: The house was kept spotless with regular cleaning.

spread - extender, difundir

Example: She spread butter on her toast before eating it.

squeak - chirriar, crujir

Example: The old wooden floor squeaked under their footsteps.

squelch - aplastar, hacer chapoteo

Example: He squelched through the muddy puddle, getting his shoes wet.

squelches - aplasta, hace chapoteo

Example: The heavy rain squelches under our boots as we walk.

stack - apilar, acumular

Example: She stacked the books neatly on the shelf.

statements - declaraciones, afirmaciones

Example: The lawyer presented strong statements to support his argument.

stimuli - estímulos

Example: The study examined the effects of different stimuli on participants' brain activity.

stubborn - terco, testarudo

Example: Despite the evidence presented, he remained stubborn in his beliefs.

stuff all over - cosas por todas partes

Example: There was stuff all over the living room after the party.

suggest - sugerir, proponer

Example: I suggest we go out for dinner tonight instead of cooking.

sulks - estar de mal humor, enfurruñarse

Example: Whenever he doesn't get his way, he sulks and refuses to talk.

sunset - atardecer, puesta de sol

Example: They sat on the beach and watched the beautiful sunset.

surf the net - navegar por internet

Example: I like to surf the net to find interesting articles and videos.

sustain - sostener, mantener

Example: Renewable energy sources help to sustain a cleaner environment.

sweep the floor - barrer el suelo

Example: She grabbed a broom and started to sweep the floor.

swoop - lanzarse, caer de golpe

Example: The eagle swooped down from the sky and caught its prey.

tarmac - asfalto, pista de aterrizaje

Example: The airplane taxied on the tarmac before taking off.

thankful - agradecido/a, agradecido

Example: I am thankful for the support and love of my family.

thick - grueso, espeso

Example: The fog was so thick that visibility was greatly reduced.

throw trash - tirar basura

Example: It is important to throw trash in designated bins to keep the environment clean.

tidy - ordenado/a, limpio/a

Example: She always keeps her desk tidy and organized.

tiers - niveles, capas

Example: The wedding cake had multiple tiers, each decorated with intricate designs.

tighten - apretar, ajustar

Example: He used a wrench to tighten the loose screws.

timely - oportuno/a, puntual

Example: The delivery arrived in a timely manner, just in time for the event.

timetable - horario, programación

Example: The school provides a weekly timetable for students to follow.

towards - hacia, en dirección a

Example: They walked towards the park, enjoying the sunny weather.

track - rastrear, seguir

Example: The GPS tracker allows you to track the location of your vehicle.

tracking - seguimiento, rastreo

Example: The company uses tracking technology to monitor the progress of its shipments.

trends - tendencias

Example: Fashion designers keep an eye on the latest trends to create new collections.

trendy - moderno/a, a la moda

Example: She always keeps up with the latest fashion trends and dresses in a trendy manner.

tricky - complicado/a, difícil

Example: Solving this math problem can be quite tricky, requiring careful thinking.

trouble - problema, dificultad

Example: He encountered some trouble while trying to fix the broken computer.

trustworthy - confiable, digno de confianza

Example: She is known for being a trustworthy friend who always keeps her promises.

turned and run - giró y huyó

Example: When he saw the spider, he turned and ran out of the room.

unpredictable - impredecible, incierto

Example: The weather in this region can be very unpredictable, with sudden changes.

validity - validez, vigencia

Example: The validity of the passport is five years from the date of issue.

van - furgoneta, camioneta

Example: They rented a van to transport their furniture during the move.

view - vista, perspectiva

Example: The hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean.

waist - cintura

Example: She wore a belt around her waist to accentuate her figure.

wealthy - rico/a, adinerado/a

Example: The wealthy businessman owned several luxurious properties.

weatherwise - en términos de clima, con respecto al clima

Example: I'm not very weatherwise, so I always check the forecast before planning outdoor


whether - si, ya sea

Example: She was unsure whether to attend the party or stay home.

wipe - limpiar, secar

Example: She used a cloth to wipe the spills from the kitchen counter.

wondered - se preguntó, se preguntaba

Example: He wondered what the outcome of the competition would be.

work fell behind - el trabajo se retrasó

Example: Due to unforeseen circumstances, their work fell behind schedule.

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