- The procedure can be divided into three stages: assessment of
resectability, resection, and reestablishment of continuity.
- Figure 15–1: The round ligament and falciform ligaments
are divided to provide adequate exposure.
- A Kocher maneuver is performed initially to expose the proximal
duodenum and pancreas and ensure that no direct extension of the tumor involves
the aorta or inferior vena cava.
- The duodenum is retracted medially under tension, and the
peritoneum is incised along the lateral edge of the duodenum.
- The retroperitoneum is entered carefully to avoid injury to the
vena cava.
- The gastrocolic omentum is divided and the lesser sac is
entered to expose the anterior surface of the pancreas.
- The right and transverse colon is reflected completely down to
expose the entire inferior portion of the pancreas. During this step the
gastroepiploic vein is ligated and divided, and the middle colic vein can also
be divided if necessary to facilitate exposure of the inferior border of the
- A cholecystectomy is performed in the standard fashion.
- After appropriate exposure, the resectability of the lesion is
- Figure 15–2: The hepatoduodenal ligament is dissected to
expose the common bile duct and hepatic artery.
- The anterior surface of the portal vein is usually identified
by careful dissection between the common bile duct and hepatic artery.
- The gastroduodenal artery should also be identified along the
anterior surface of the pancreas, beneath the first portion of the duodenum, and
its takeoff from the common hepatic artery should be carefully identified.
- The portal vein is freed from the posterior surface of the neck
of the pancreas using careful blunt dissection.
- The middle colic vein should be identified and followed down to
the inferior border of the pancreas to help identify the superior mesenteric
vein, as shown in Figure 15–1.
- Additional careful dissection should be performed to create a
"tunnel" under the neck of the pancreas, demonstrating that the plane between
the neck of the pancreas and the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein is
free and that there is no evidence of tumor involvement.
- Alternatively, the right and transverse colon can be
extensively mobilized, allowing identification of the superior mesenteric vein
as it crosses over the third portion of the duodenum and goes under the neck of
the pancreas.
- No further dissection, and more specifically, no structures
should be divided prior to confirming that the vein is free of tumor
involvement, unless the surgeon is prepared to proceed with en bloc vein
- Figure 15–3: The antrum of the stomach is stapled and
divided using the landmarks of a Billroth I hemigastrectomy.
- The hepatic artery within the hepatoduodenal ligament is
palpated and dissected free to identify the gastroduodenal and right gastric
vessels, which can be doubly ligated and divided.
- Prior to division of the gastroduodenal artery, it is important
to briefly occlude this artery ("pinch test") while palpating the hepatic artery
to confirm that there is no decrease in the hepatic arterial flow.
- On occasion, in individuals with a celiac stenosis or other
congenital arterial anomalies, the majority of the hepatic arterial blood flow
may come via collateral vessels through the gastroduodenal artery. Although
rare, hepatic necrosis can occur in these patients following division of the
gastroduodenal artery. In such cases, a Whipple procedure is contraindicated
unless hepatic arterial flow can be reestablished via other mechanisms,
including possible arterial bypass or endovascular intervention.
- The proximal stomach is packed away in the left upper quadrant,
and the distal stomach is retracted inferiorly and to the right to aid exposure
of the common bile duct.
- The common bile duct is divided and the distal end is ligated
using a silk suture.
- The proximal common bile duct can be occluded temporarily with
a Bulldog clamp.
- Figure 15–4: The duodenum is dissected free from the
ligament of Treitz.
- Multiple small feeding arteries and veins in the duodenal
mesentery must be clamped and tied to minimize bleeding or sealed using a
surgical energy device (eg, harmonic scalpel, LigaSure).
- The proximal jejunum is divided about 10 cm distal to the
ligament of Treitz using a GIA stapler, and the jejunal mesentery is divided
between clamps and ligated with silk sutures down to the level of the ligament
of Treitz.
- The divided end of the jejunum can then be delivered beneath
the mesentery of the small bowel.
- Figure 15–5: Hemostatic transfixion sutures are placed
both inferiorly and superiorly in the pancreas body on either side of the line
of planned transection.
- The pancreas can be divided using electrocautery or sharply
with a scalpel.
- The pancreatic duct is identified, and any bleeding vessels are
suture ligated with 4-0 or 5-0 Prolene.
- Figure 15–6: The uncinate process is dissected free from
the superior mesenteric vein.
- The superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal veins are ligated
and divided along with all other small branches that enter the lateral superior
mesenteric and portal vein.
- Figure 15–7: The superior mesenteric vein is retracted
medially, exposing the retropancreatic tissue.
- The retropancreatic attachments to the uncinate process are
then divided.
- Either a TA stapler or traditional clamping and tying can be
used. Clamping and tying is preferred for resection of malignancies. The TA
stapler is preferred for benign disease.
- The specimen, which should now be entirely free, should be sent
for pathologic and frozen section examination of the biliary and pancreatic
- The retroperitoneal margin should be inked by the surgeon prior
to sending the specimen for pathologic examination.
- Figure 15–8: The jejunal limb is delivered up to the
right upper quadrant in a retrocolic fashion through an avascular window in the
transverse mesocolon.
- The pancreaticojejunostomy is performed using an end-to-side
- The outer layer of the pancreaticojejunostomy is performed
using interrupted 3-0 or 4-0 silk sutures between the capsule of the pancreas
and the seromuscular layer of the jejunum.
- The inner layer of the anastomosis is performed using
interrupted absorbable suture (4-0 or 5-0 PDS or Vicryl) between the pancreatic
duct and a full-thickness layer of jejunum.
- Occasionally, a sterile 5 or 8 French pediatric feeding tube
with extra side holes cut into it can be used to stent the pancreatic-jejunal
- The choledochojejunostomy is subsequently performed in an
end-to-side fashion using a singled layer of interrupted absorbable suture, such
as 4-0 or 5-0 PDS or Vicryl.
- The defect in the mesocolon is closed surrounding the delivered
limb of jejunum to avoid internal herniation.
- The gastrojejunostomy is then completed with an antecolic loop
of jejunum and creation of a two-layered hand-sewn anastomosis.
- The outer layer of the anastomosis is performed using
interrupted seromuscular 3-0 silk sutures and the inner layer is a
full-thickness running layer of 3-0 Vicryl or other absorbable suture.
- The abdomen is copiously irrigated and two drains are placed
within the abdominal cavity in apposition to the biliary and pancreatic
- The midline incision is then closed using standard
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