This range so when everybody leaves just Elon sitting at home brush his teeth just bunch ideas bounce around their head when did you realise that that's not the case with most people when I was five or six or something I thought I was insane just strange because clearly enough people do not their mind wasn't exploding with ideas looks like strange I don't think I think it won't mean people like that option like never negative all the time overrule this administration's pledge to be honest you don't even write the door thing why because beyond the height there's just not much going on here Tesla still has yet to turn a profit that we have $1.5 billion company with no profit most recent quarter actually lost more money than it did the year before $1.5 billion losing more money than you before this is a company with limited visibility you put $90 billion like 50 years worth of breaks into into solar and wind solyndra fisker and Tesla and enter one I mean if I had a friend who said you don't just pick the winners and losers you pick the losers private enterprise will not ever lead a space from here because I don't want them to but my read of history to history tells me they can't it's not possible you know there are American heroes who don't like this idea the alarm strong gene cernan have both testified against commercial Space Flight in the way that you're developing it and I wonder what you think of that I was very sad to see that because those guys are yeah so it's really tough no I I wish they would come visit and see the hardware that we're doing here I think that would change them like they inspired you to do this didn't they yes and see them casting stones in your direction the float did you expect them to cheer you on so I hoping they would what are you trying to prove to them what are trying to do is to make a significant difference in its face flight and an end help make space life acceptable to to almost anyone one of the most difficult choices I have faced in my words was in 2008 and but I think I had hey maybe $30 million left little beautiful young girls left in 2008 had two choices what are all into one company and then the other company would definitely die or split it between the two companies and but if I split it between two companies then both might die and when you put your let's win tears into creating something boy something it's like a child is so thick which one am I going to let one starve to death you can bring myself to do it surprised I split the money between two emotionally thank goodness about their booking through who's your biggest failure and how did I change it well there's a tonne of failures along the way that's for sure those are simple for SpaceX first be launches failed and just barely able to scrape together enough parts and money to do the 4th launch that both launch had failed movie guide so multiple failures along the way doesn't really face this fear threat of death due to the model three production ramp essentially the company is bleeding money like crazy and just if we don't solve these problems of rational Perry time we were dying and was extremely difficult to solve them how close to death did you come here within St. Leger weeks but I went to Russia three times to look at buying never furbished icbm and I can tell you it was very weird going there in 2008 2001 2002 going to the Russian rocket forces and saying I'd like to buy two of your biggest rockets but you can keep the nuke they thought I was crazy but I did have money so that was those okay after making several trips to Russia I can't conclusion that my initial thought was well that there's not enough will to explore and expand beyond earth and have a Mars base and that kind of thing but I conclusion that that that was wrong in fact there's plenty of well particularly in the United states because the United states is a nation of explorers of people who came here from other parts of the world I think the United states really a distillation of the spirit of human exploration so after my third trip I said OK well we really need to do here is try to solve the space transport problem and and started SpaceX and this was against the advice of pretty much everyone I talked to they think it was it was tough going there in the beginning because I'd never built anything physical I mean it felt like little model rockets as a kid and that kind of thing but I never had a company that built in a physical touch have figure out how to how to do all these things and bring together the right team of people it was tough tough going you think about a rocket is the passing grade is 100% you don't get to actually test the rocket in the real environment that is going to be in so I think the best analogy for rocket engineering is like if you want to create a really complicated bit of software you can't run the software as an integrated whole and you can't run it on the computer it's intended to run on but the first time you put it all together and run it on the computer it must run with no bugs that the first launch I was picking up bits of rocket near the their launch cycles but sad we left with with each successive flights and were able to with eventually with the 4th flights in 2008 reach orbit I tried very hard to get the right expertise in former SpaceX tried hard to find a great chief engineer for the rocket but the good chief engineers would join and the bad ones will there's no point arguing so I ended up being chief engineer of the rocket if I could have found something better than we would have maybe had three failures how did you get the expertise to be the chief technology officer of a rocket ship company well I do have a physics background that's helpful as foundation and then I read a lot of books and talk to a lot of things